Character Bios: David Cheng

A quiet young man who prefers solitude, at peace in the darkness.
00022 David Cheng
Born in Arkansas, David Cheng grew up as the only Asian boy in the community. He felt isolated for most of his school life, and still prefers to keep to himself many years on. As a boy who spent much time alone, Cheng has always been studious. He even worked out that he had a special power on his own.
As a recruit in Myrtle Base, Cheng takes military life very seriously, and avoids joining the rest of the recruits on their frequent nights out. Cheng has an innate ability to see in the dark. After spending much time researching the cause, he concluded that his eyes contained tapetum lucidum for seeing exceptionally well in poor light.
This is true to a certain extent. An excess of light absorbing auralithaliain exists in his body, and Cheng’s powers may extend beyond his excellent vision.

Creation facts:

  • Cheng, attracted to solitude and the quiet of night, has the elemental theme of darkness.

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